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Maximizing your employee recognition and rewards budget

Maximizing your employee recognition and rewards budget

Engage and inspire your people while reducing your employee recognition and rewards (R&R) budget.

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HR and people managers face a contradiction: The labor market is tight, and budget
reductions are commonplace. So how do you uplift and retain your people while
maintaining — or even reducing — your budget? (Remember, recognition is the
backbone of employee engagement because engagement affects productivity.) Here
are five ways Bonusly helps you engage and inspire your people while reducing your
employee recognition and rewards (R&R) budget.


  • Maximizing your employee recognition budget
  • 5 Ways to Maximize Rewards


HR and people managers face a contradiction: The labor market is tight, and budget
reductions are commonplace. So how do you uplift and retain your people while
maintaining — or even reducing — your budget? (Remember, recognition is the
backbone of employee engagement because engagement affects productivity.) Here
are five ways Bonusly helps you engage and inspire your people while reducing your
employee recognition and rewards (R&R) budget.


  • Maximizing your employee recognition budget
  • 5 Ways to Maximize Rewards